Google has developed a number of tools for use by Internet users, such as companies active on the web. What are these Google tools and how can you effectively use them to improve your natural SEO in your SEO strategy?

1.Google tools to make it easy for users to find you

Google wants to make it easier for its users to search and to do so, it offers the possi

bility to search using different methods: voice, visual, local, etc.

What are the peculiarities of Google tools and the keys to using them effectively in your SEO strategy?

Google Lens

Google Lens uses visual recognition technology to identify the images that are shown to it and allows you to find the sites that display the image, or that are closest to it, by activating the corresponding icon in the search engine bar.

Google Lens
Google Lens

From an SEO point of view, the interest is to be able to find the name, the brand or a place of purchase. For example, by photographing an image, you will be able to:

To promote your appearances in Google Lens search results, just as we recommend for your SEO in Google Images, we recommend:

Google Voice Search

Voice recognition is at the heart of Google Voice Search technology, designed to improve the user experience. The goal is to be able to ask a question orally to your mobile device or any other connected device that offers this technology.

Google Voice Search
Google Voice Search

The interest for the user is undoubtedly the saving of time, since he no longer needs to fill in his query in the search engines. Simply activate the microphone icon in the Google search bar and ask your question, to get the corresponding data.

The use of Voice Search also extends to other uses, such as searching for audio or video files, opening applications, searching for a location using the GPS function of Google Maps, dialing a phone number, etc.

Knowing that 72% of mobile users use voice search in their day-to-day operations, you need to consider this in your SEO strategy:

Google Discover

Google Discover offers content related to the interests of Internet users, according to their activity on the web or in applications, according to the Push principle.

Google Discover
Google Discover

Content is personalized, constantly updated and offered automatically, provided you activate it on your device. On the website side, this ideally involves creating an RSS or Atom feed to enable the “Tracking” function more easily.

Google Discover complements the use of traditional Google search, as it can also suggest content that is sometimes older, but always linked to users’ interests.

From an SEO point of view, Google Discover would be sensitive to titles and content that are emotionally focused or on sensitive topics, rumours or controversial topics. He also likes articles presented as lists, but also titles written as questions.

Google My Business / Google Business Profile

Case Study:
→ Case Study: How CHUV Achieved a Brilliant 600% Increase In Google My Business calls In Five Months

The Google My Business (GMB) enquiry service, now called Google Business Profile, is intended for companies so that they can appear next to search results. Their “establishment record” indicates the most relevant elements concerning their activity and allows to capture the attention of the Internet user.

Google Business Profile
Google Business Profile

You can add:

With Google My Business, you will be able to interact with your current or potential customers through reviews, questions and answers, promotion of events, news or commercial offers.

It is essential to provide your industry with good information, in order to promote your appearance in organic search results.

Read also:
→ Google My Business: Your local SEO ally

Structured data

Structured data is not a tool per se: it comes in the form of codes or tags. They are intended for robots to make it easier for them to crawl on your web pages and tell them relevant content to extract.

Structured data
Structured data

These tags will allow you to propose enriched snippets: photos, your rating, the number of reviews, your services, prices, etc. You will be able to generate these snippets very easily thanks to the tool “Tagging Help” from Google. Plugins also allow you to create them automatically from your CMS, such as WordPress for example; very useful in the context of an e-commerce site.

Google takes into account the rich data and generally places search results in the best position. In addition, the snippets are eye-catching and actually generate a lot more clicks.

Read also:
→ Structured data: a gain in traffic or a loss in click through rate?

Google tools to offer relevant content according to queries

The more your content matches your search queries and intentions, the better your chances of ranking in the search engines. Do not hesitate to take advantage of the tools made available by Google to achieve this!

Google Adword Keyword Planner

Before you launch your Ads campaigns, have you checked whether the search intent keywords you’re targeting are the most relevant to your objectives and the target audience?

Keyword Planner Google Ads
Keyword Planner Google Ads

Google Ads Keyword Planner was developed with a view to the performance of your ads. Simply enter a query and the tool will suggest you different associated long-drawn keywords. You will have some very interesting information to help you with your choice, such as:

The Google Adword Keyword Planner tool is free and accessible to everyone, without the need to create ad campaigns.

Need help ?
→ Do you want to implement an effective Google Ads strategy

Google Trends

The Google Trends tool is very useful for identifying the search trends of Internet users on the web and thus be a good source of inspiration to propose topics or approaches for your content according to the most promising topics. The objective is obviously to attract Internet users to your site.

Google Trends
Google Trends

Results can be obtained by region, language, keyword or search term, allowing you to fine-tune your strategy according to its local or international deployment.

Google Trends also allows you to visualize search intentions throughout the year and thus identify the most favorable times to activate your company’s communication or launch your campaigns, for example.

Also discover our tips for generating traffic during off-peak periods.

Read more:
→ How to acquire traffic during low seasons ?

Google Alerts

The Google Alert tool has been around for many years and allows you to receive alerts whenever the term you entered appears in new media content

Google Alerts
Google Alerts

We recommend that you generate Google alerts on your main competitors or on key terms in your industry, in order to know what’s going on in your market and keep abreast of the latest trends.

At the same time, this allows you to know the media that cover your business and have mentioned your competitors: you will be able to target them with press releases, for example, and offer them tests, interviews and any other means to use them as a communication lever.

What is the best SEO agency in Switzerland?
→ Best SEO Firm in Switzerland

Google tools to improve the performance of your site or app

Google takes into account the performance of a website to promote it in search results. It offers you several tools to check the reliability, speed, responsiveness, but also the indexing of your pages. Let’s find them out together.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Today, almost 60% of Internet searches are carried out from a mobile phone, and this trend is only growing. With the rise of smartphone use, Google now attaches importance to the responsiveness of a website, hence the interest of developing its website according to the principle of Mobile First.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Google evaluates your site against its mobile usage, according to different performance criteria:

Google’s mobile optimisation test will help you find out if your site is mobile-friendly and will show you where you need to improve.

Read also:
→ “Mobile-Friendly” the trendy word of the moment!

Google PageSpeed Insights

The loading speed of a site has become an indispensable factor in getting to the top of a search engine rankings. The faster your site loads, the more Google will like it (and so will the user, reducing the bounce rate if it’s slow).

Google PageSpeed Insights
Google PageSpeed Insights

To this end, Google has developed the Google PageSpeed Insights tool to evaluate the performance of your website on the criterion of its loading speed.

Google PageSpeed Insights assesses site performance by assigning ratings according to 4 dimensions and according to the hardware used (desktop or mobile):

It suggests areas of improvement to improve the performance of your website, both for desktop computers and smartphones.

Google Lighthouse

The Google Lighthouse extension installs on Google Chrome and allows you to make an SEO report, in order to measure the quality of the pages of your website.

Google Lighthouse
Google Lighthouse

The tool will analyze your page and assign it a score according to different evaluation criteria, like Google PageSpeed Insights:

You can then make the necessary adjustments or corrections to optimize its natural SEO on search engines.

Google Search Console

There are 1.87 billion websites in the world, but “only” 200 million concerned as assets. Their number has almost tripled in the space of 10 years !

Google Search Console
Google Search Console

As a result, Google’s robots, which enable the indexing of the various pages of a website, are no longer able to visit regularly or even automatically index all the new pages.

The Google Search Console tool allows you to check if your site and pages are indexed correctly. If not, the tool will alert you to existing anomalies so that you can fix them, such as server errors or security issues. You can also manually request crawling of your pages to index them and allow them to appear in query results.

Another interesting point with the Google Search Console is that it offers you several information about the visits to your pages:

Read our article to learn more about using the Google Search Console.


Google has put in place a number of powerful tools, aimed at helping you with your SEO strategy. You now have all the cards in your hand to improve your rank in Google’s natural search, with a fast, secure and responsive website, trendy, relevant and SEO-friendly content.

Our Eminence agency is certified by Google Partners and will be happy to assist you in the optimization of your website, as part of its creation, redesign or SEO optimization. Let’s discuss together the existing levers best suited to your business and performance objectives.