UI/ UX design agency

UX / UI Design

Interdependent approaches in the design of websites, applications, or software. 
UI focuses on the visual appearance and interactivity of user interfaces, while UX focuses on the overall user experience. 

Why is user experience so important?  

According to a study published on Research Gate, approximately 94% of first impressions are related to design. 

The main goals of UX and UI design are to improve the user experience by optimizing the performance and ease of navigation of your website, mobile app, or application. 

Our web design agency supports you in these different components: 

User Experience (UX): Refers to the way users interact with your website, and aims to provide a positive, intuitive experience. 

Objectives: Optimize usability, clarity of navigation, and overall user satisfaction. 

Methods: Organization of information, navigation flow design, simplification of forms, and highlighting important CTAs (calls to action)

User Interface (UI): Represents the visual aspect of the website and how elements are presented to users. 

Objectives: Capture visitors' attention and enhance the credibility of the company. 

Methods: This includes the choice of colors, fonts, images, and icons, as well as the graphic layout and arrangement of elements on the pages. 

difference between ux and ui

Responsive Design: Design that allows the website to automatically adapt to different devices and screen sizes, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. 

Objectives: Ensure an optimal user experience regardless of the platform used, avoid frustrating display and navigation issues. 

Mobile-First: Design the website with the mobile experience in mind. 

Objectives: Ensure that the site is adapted to mobile screens, to offer fluid navigation and accessible content, all of which will have a positive impact on Google rankings. 

A well-designed and user-friendly website enhances the company's brand image, increases user engagement, reduces bounce rates, promotes visitor conversions into customers, and encourages customer loyalty. 

Moreover, a positive user experience can lead to positive recommendations and word-of-mouth, which can contribute to business growth. 

Understand customer logic to improve their experience and your performance !

Would you like to know if your site is user-friendly?

Focus on CX Design, the Customer Experience 

CX Design (Customer Experience Design) involves designing and improving the overall experience of a customer when interacting with a company, product, or service, before, during, and after the conversion. 

CX Design focuses on understanding customers' needs, expectations, and emotions to create positive and memorable experiences. 


How to optimize UX and UI design to improve conversions?

It should be clear for the traveler, with the right landmarks in the right places to facilitate their journey and allow them to reach their desired destination, feeling like they had a pleasant trip. 

To achieve this, UX and UI design must take into account users' profiles, needs, and expectations to facilitate their navigation on your digital platforms. 

Quels sont les fondements de la conception d’une expérience personnalisée ? 

By combining these fundamental design principles, Eminence, your UX and UI design agency can helo you to create efficient, intuitive, and enjoyable user interfaces for both web and mobile, whilst meeting user needs and helping you to achieve your goals. 

How did we optimize McDonald's Switzerland's UX and UI during its AEM migration?

If you want to better consider user experience when creating or redesigning your website or mobile design, here are the key points to consider: 

  • Understand users: Gain an understanding of their needs, motivations and expectations, so you can offer them an experience that's just like them. 
  • Ease of Use: Interactions should be intuitive and predictable, with clear and accessible navigation elements to reduce friction and obstacles. 
  • Clarity and Readability: Establish visual hierarchy, appropriate typography and font sizes, and use relevant visuals to support the content. 
  • Consistency: Use a defined and consistent style across navigation elements, buttons, icons, headings, etc. 
  • Responsiveness and Speed: Optimize performance by reducing loading time and optimizing images for a fast and smooth experience. 
  • Accessibility: Ensure accessibility for all users, following accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). 
  • Advice and feedback: Provide feedback to users during their interactions with the interface, preventing errors and offering guidance and instructions. 
  • Testing and Iteration: Continuously test and make iterative improvements to the interface based on user feedback. 
  • Performance Tracking: Use analytics tools to measure performance, understand user behavior, and identify areas for improvement. 

What about accessibility? 

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) are international guidelines aimed at making web content more accessible to people with disabilities (visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive impairments). 



A website accessible to all disabilities

WCAG provides detailed and evolving recommendations structured around four fundamental principles: 

  1. Perceivable: Visual contrast, alternative text for images (alt text), captions for videos, audio descriptions for visual content, avoiding flashing elements, etc. 
  2. Operable: Interactive elements easily accessible via the keyboard, clearly labeled and structured forms, error prevention or indication, skip links, etc. 
  3. Understandable: Simple language, logical organization of information, clear instructions, descriptive and explicit links, semantic HTML structure to organize content, appropriate tags (headings, paragraphs, lists) to indicate hierarchical structure of the page, etc. 
  4. Robust: Content must be compatible with different user agents, including assistive technologies used by people with disabilities. It's important for the content to function properly with a variety of browsers, screen readers, speech synthesis software, etc. 

It's more effective to incorporate accessibility at the early stages of your project to avoid going back and redoing the work. 

Key Steps of a UX and UI Design-based Approach

Step 1: User Research 

  • Hsve a strong understanding of your audience 
  • Leverage data collection methods 

We will start by studying your target audience and users in order to: 

  • Understand their needs, motivations, expectations, and challenges. 
  • Analyze their purchasing behaviors, customer journeys, and obstacles. 

Techniques such as interviews, surveys, observations, and analysis of existing data are particularly useful in gathering this information. 

Step 2: Audit and objectives 

  • Audit and analysis 
  • Establishment of goals and KPIs 

We conduct an audit of your current website to identify areas for improvement, including aspects of ergonomics, design, visual identity, and ease of navigation. Concurrently, we perform a competitive benchmark to gain insights on the best practices and trends in your industry. 

Once the environment is evaluated, we collaboratively define the business objectives and conversion goals you wish to achieve with your website or application. These objectives may include specific actions such as sales, registrations, downloads, etc. We assign them KPIs to track performance. 

Step 3: Architecture, Wireframes, and Prototyping 

  • Information architecture and structure 
  • Creation of wireframes and initial prototypes 

We imagine and design a clear and logical information structure to organize your content, the arrangement of elements, and functionalities. We present this to you in the form of: 

  • Wireframes: We create simplified mock-ups of the user interface to define the layout and hierarchy of elements. 
  • Prototypes: We develop prototypes to simulate user interactions and test the interface's ergonomics. These prototypes can be static (interactive mockups) or dynamic (with functional interactions). 

Step 4: Visual Design and Interactions 

  • Attractive and intuitive visual design 
  • Interaction design and usability testing 

Once the concept and architecture are defined, our design teams delve into the visual design, including the selection of colors, typography, icons, and images that align with your brand's visual identity and create a pleasant visual experience. We also establish the design of essential graphical elements such as headings, CTAs (call-to-action buttons), and links to ensure continuity and consistency across pages. 

We ensure that interactions and transitions are smooth, intuitive, and meet user expectations between different sections of the interface. We encourage the use of subtle animations, for example, to guide users and enhance their experience. 

Step 5: User Testing and Continuous Improvement 

  • Real-world testing of ergonomics and interactions 
  • Iterations to find solutions 

Before deploying the design, we conduct user tests on your website or application to evaluate ergonomics, usability, and the overall user experience. We observe how users interact with the interface, gather their feedback, and identify encountered obstacles and potential areas for improvement. 

This step is essential for enhancing the interface, resolving issues, and optimizing the user experience. 

Step 6: Integration and Development 

  • Integration and development 
  • Monitoring and continuous optimization 

After validation of the previous steps, our developers can integrate the interface and create or install the desired functionalities. We make sure that the interface is correctly implemented and works optimally on all devices and browsers. 

Finally, we implement performance monitoring and analyze data to understand how users interact with the interface. This includes: 

  • Tracking: Gathering information on conversions, bounce rates, user behavior, etc. 
  • Profiling: Identifying visitor profiles. 

This information enables us to make continuous adjustments and improvements to optimize the user experience and boost conversion. UX/UI design is a process that requires constant improvement based on customer journey analysis and navigation data. 

Our Strenth: We are Experts in UX and UI Design

UX/UI design is an interdisciplinary collaboration among various fields such as graphic design, cognitive psychology, ergonomics, and web development. 

At Eminence, your web design agency in Geneva, we offer a comprehensive approach to fulfill all your web and mobile projects. 

Our Expertise 

  • Audit 
  • User analysis 
  • Creation of responsive websites and mobile applications 
  • User testing 
  • Visual design, UI design 

Our Added Value 

  • A multidisciplinary team 
  • Use of collaborative feedback tools like Figma 
  • Tracking and profiling to understand your users and improve performance 
