CRM agency


A strategy focused on managing the relationship with existing and future customers, relying on the use of a centralized system and dedicated technological tools. 

Why is a CRM Essential for Your Business?  

Did you know that it costs 5 to 7 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, according to Accenture? 

This data fully illustrates the benefits of implementing customer relationship management (CRM) in any type of business! 

In practical terms, a CRM is a strategic approach aimed at centrally managing interactions and relationships with your prospects and customers. The goal of a CRM is to consolidate customer information and organize it, including contact details, purchase history, preferences, past interactions, etc. 

Through a CRM, you can gain a comprehensive yet detailed view of contacts in your database. 

All this information can be collected by your internal and online services through the implementation of tracking and profiling strategies. 



An Overview of the Benefits Provided by CRM Strategy: 

Here are a few key figures to illustrate the benefits of using a CRM for your business: 

  • Improving customer retention rates by 5% generates a 25% to 55% increase in results (Bain & Company). 
  • A loyal and satisfied customer, with whom you have built an emotional connection, becomes a free ambassador within their network. 
  • In 2014, Nucleus Research revealed an average return of $8.71 for every dollar spent. In 2021, Dynamic Consultants estimated this figure to reach an average of approximately $30.48 for every dollar spent! 
  • CRM software improves sales by up to 29% while increasing forecast accuracy by up to 32% and sales productivity by 39% (Salesforce). 
  • Approximately 47% of CRM users state that CRM technology has a massive impact on their customer satisfaction rate (Capterra). 
  • 73% of customers say they are likely to switch brands if the service is not consistent (Salesforce).
loyalty retaining clients

How to Implement a CRM-Oriented Strategy? 

The collection, analysis, and utilization of data are essential to understand your target market and audience, improve the quality of your services, and make informed decisions aligned with your objectives. 

Implementing a CRM in your company relies on four essential and interdependent pillars that reinforce each other, facilitating its deployment and adoption by your teams. 

A robust CRM with solid technology, supported by well-defined sales processes, high-quality customer data and a customer-oriented corporate culture, will promote an effective CRM strategy in your organization. 

Would you like advice on developing your CRM strategy? 

The successful implementation of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy in a company can depend on several key factors, including: 

  • Leadership Commitment: It is essential for allocating human and financial resources and communicating the importance of CRM at all levels of the organization. 
  • Clear Objectives: Align customer relationship management strategy with overall corporate strategy, such as improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales, reducing the sales cycle, etc. 
  • Choosing the Right CRM System: On the basis of functionality, ease of use, scalability and integration with existing systems. 
  • Customer Data Collection and Management: Through an effective process of data collection, storage, and management. 
  • Employee Training and Involvement: The use of a CRM, including an understanding of its objectives and functions, ensures optimal adoption. 
  • Internal Communication and Collaboration: Necessary between teams to facilitate information sharing and foster a customer-centric culture. 
  • Tracking and Measuring Results: Using metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure outcomes and adjust the CRM strategy as needed. 
avantage concurrentiel

Maximize your sales with marketing automation! 

Marketing automation is a technique that allows you to automate marketing processes, such as sending emails when a customer or prospect performs a specific interaction (known as an event) on one of your digital channels. 

By combining automation tools with your customer databases, you can enhance your performance and sales! Why not consider this exciting opportunity? 

CRM and marketing automation: a winning duo!

What are the Key Steps in an Emailing Strategy Based on Marketing Automation? 

Step 1: Definition of Needs and Objectives 

  • Evaluation of Team Needs 
  • Identify gaps, challenges and opportunities for improvement by analyzing current processes. 

Once the needs are identified, we clearly define the objectives to be achieved through the CRM strategy. These objectives may include improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales, optimizing the sales cycle, and customer retention. 

Your CRM strategy should align with your overall strategy to ensure consistency both with your audience and your employees. 

Finally, we establish KPIs to measure the results of implementing your CRM digital strategy. 

Step 2: CRM System Selection 

  • Comparative analysis of CRM tools 
  • Long-term evaluation of the chosen tool 

We guide you in selecting the CRM system that best suits your business needs. Stakeholders involved in using the tool should be included in the selection process. 

What are the key considerations before finalizing your choice? 

  • Features offered and their scalability 
  • Integration with existing internal systems and tools 
  • User-friendliness and practicality 
  • Security and reliability 
  • Installation, usage, and maintenance costs 

The choice of CRM technology is crucial as it will be used in the long term to manage your customer data, automate your sales and marketing processes, and track customer interactions. 

Step 3: CRM Tool Deployment 

  • Creation of an internal deployment plan 
  • Testing and resolution of any issues 

The deployment of the selected CRM system requires extensive preparation before and after. It is recommended to appoint a project manager to oversee and coordinate the implementation. 

  • BEFORE: Defining steps, timelines, resources, and responsibilities for each phase. 
  • DURING: Step-by-step implementation, system configuration (customization of fields, forms, workflows, and reports to meet business requirements), issue resolution, user training, etc. 
  • AFTER: Performance testing of the system, compatibility checks with other tools, verification of key functionalities and data accuracy, addition of features, etc. 

Ensure that the plan is realistic, achievable, and aligned with the set objectives. Make adjustments as necessary and continue to optimize the CRM strategy over time. 

Step 4: Data Collection and Integration 

  • Data gathering and/or migration 
  • Data quality control testing 

We establish processes to collect, clean, and migrate your existing customer data to the new CRM system, including contact details, preferences, purchase history, past interactions, etc. 

We ensure the reliability of data sources, data consistency, and data compliance. 

Finally, we conduct tests to verify that your data is accurately transferred and integrated into the new system. 

Step 5: Employee Training and Awareness 

  • Engaging stakeholders 
  • Creating awareness of the customer orientation 

Involve end users throughout the process and gather their feedback to make necessary adjustments, ensuring optimal adoption and utilization. 

To achieve this, it is important to identify key steps, responsibilities, workflows, and performance measures for each process to ensure consistent and effective execution in the long run. 

All stakeholders should be trained on the use of the CRM system and understand its significance for the company and its customers. Implementing a CRM may lead to organizational changes and new work methods. 

Customer orientation should be emphasized throughout the company culture throughout the customer lifecycle, from acquisition to retention. 

Our Strength: Expertise in Emailing and Data Analysis

Thanks to various tools and technologies, we can collect, store, and analyze the necessary data to facilitate customer relationship management, track and personalize your interactions. 

Our Expertise 

  • Development of Your CRM Strategy 
  • Tracking and Data Analysis 
  • Audience Profiling and Segmentation 
  • Creation of Targeted Email Campaigns 

Our Added Value 

  • Hubspot and SalesManago Partnership 
  • Google and Adobe Analytics Certifications 
  • Multidisciplinary Team 
