Content marketing : your key to success your digital strategy

Content marketing: why is the key to success for your digital strategy?

More and more companies are adopting content marketing. This technique has become extremely important in the digital world 

So, what is content marketing? How do you implement it? We answer all these questions in the article below and highlight the key benefits of using content marketing. 


What is content marketing and why is it important?


Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content to a targeted audience online. It is an integral part of inbound marketing and plays an important role in overall marketing strategies. Content marketing consists of producing and publishing informative content that enables a company to communicate with its audience and increase its visibility through different formats, such as:  

  • Blog articles  
  • Newsletters  
  • E-Books  
  • Case Studies  
  • Surveys  
  • Videos  
  • Infographics  
  • Webinars  
  • Podcasts  
  • Etc.  

Indeed, a successful content marketing strategy, will help:  

  • Increase traffic to your website  
  • Generate new leads  
  • Improve the SEO of your website  
  • Improve your e-reputation, particularly through positive word-of-mouth as customers become brand “ambassadors/ “advocates” by sharing and interacting with your content.  
  • Build brand trust between you and your customers 



How do you create a style guide for your brand content?


What is a style guide?   

A style guide is a document containing all the brand and communication guidelines for a company. This includes the tone of voice to be used, the overall editorial and typographical rules, the logo and its variations, the graphic design and overall aesthetic of the company  
Related : → How to build an effective content marketing strategy in the healthcare sector?

Why is it necessary to create a style guide?  

A style guide is an effective tool to ensure that your brand has a coherent image and strong brand identity across all your digital channels. This is essential when it comes to building brand trust, you must ensure a harmonious use of your company’s brand codes and brand promises across all your communication channels.   

A style guide is an essential document that enables you to share your branding in a clear and detailed way to your teams, the media and even your business partners 

How do you create a style guide?  

  1. First, you must define your brand identity: establish your values, your mission, your company’s personality and the tone of voice you will adopt.
  2. Share your brand story: what’s behind the brand? What are your brand values and promises? What makes your company unique?
  3. Outline the rules for using your logo: specify the colors, formats, sizes, spacing, etc. 
  4. Establish a clear graphical charter. Define your company’s color palette, font and overall design so that your brand image remains consistent.
  5. Identify the visual formats (catalogue ads, videos, images…) that best match your brand’s personality (catalogue ads, videos, images…) 


Create an Editorial Calendar for your Content Marketing in 5 Steps


Step 1: Start by choosing a template for your editorial calendar  

The main reason to have an editorial calendar is consolidate and organize all the different content in one place.  

By planning ahead and organizing various campaigns, you reduce the risk of missing out on good opportunities to build relationships with your audience.  

Creating and organizing an editorial calendar also streamlines teamwork (between graphic designers, editors, SEO experts, account managers, etc.). Everyone has an overview and can work to set deadlines.

For example, HubSpot’s Content Calendar Template is a great tool for operations when it comes to coordinating your company’s content marketing efforts. This solution is free of charge and it is available as a Google Sheet file, perfect for collaborating with your team in real time. Therefore, you can use it on Google Drive and add comments. You can also access relevant content directly from the interface 


Step 2: Determine the categories of your blog  

An important part of content planning is making sure that you cover enough topics so that your readers are enthusiastic and return to your blog to read more 

When choosing general blog topics, it is important to think about your sales funnel and your search intent.  

By offering content that appeals to your prospects, you create an opportunity to foster a relationship that could ultimately lead to a sale.  

There are two main types of search intent to keep in mind when it comes to the sales process: informational intent and transactional intent 

  • Informational Intent: This type of research intent is about learning. Internet users seek knowledge and information. Users want to know more about a subject, they are asking questions and seeking answers.
  • Transactional intent: as its name suggests, transactional intent is linked to the act of