Landing pages are used to turn users into leads or customers. They draw visitors’ attention to your brand’s promise of performance. Attempting to persuade them to take a certain action: for example, by buying a product, filling out a form or completing a trial month. The competition does not sleep and with many good offers on a market, it can be quite difficult to stand out from the crowd. You will need to create a strong, appealing landing page that is specifically tailored to your business. Eminence, your digital marketing agency, has revealed some interesting insights for you.

What is a good Landing Page?

A good landing page consists of the following key elements:

  1. Clear content-related message
  2. Visual hook in form of a video or an image
  3. Short overview of the offer
  4. Persuasive purchasing argument
  5. Conversion objective / Call-to-Action element


  1. Clear and content-related message

Ideally, you should be able to read the key message in 30 seconds. There should be a meaningful title, a clear statement and you end by summarising the most important argument. When writing, remember that the landing page should primarily arouse the visitor’s interest in the product. For this reason, technical details and trivialities have no place here. Instead, refer to the relevant product page at the bottom of the page.

  1. Visual hook in form of a video or an image

The hook is intended to attract attention. The best way to do this is with a picture or video. In some circumstances, integrating graphics into the message may even strengthen your visual hook. You can, for example, place the slogan on the picture or in the video and thereby set the message apart from the rest of the text so that it is better remembered.

  1. Short overview of the offer

The purpose of the overview is to briefly present the most important features of your product or service. This can be achieved either with a listing, a chart or a simple graphic. Focus on the features, in other words the advantages and the possibilities that might arise for the customer through the use of your product.

  1. Persuasive purchasing argument

The purchase argument concludes the content part of your website. The core message is summarised again and provides a convincing argument as to why the customer should act immediately.

  1. Conversion objective / Call-to-Action element

The Call-to-Action (CTA) is the element that serves as the clickbait for the page and leads the visitor further to their objectives. This can be, for example, on an online shop, where the visitor can place their order. Depending on the product, the CTA element can also lead to a contact form, where the customer can order further information or request an offer. Avoid “dumping” the visitor on your main page without giving him the opportunity to become active himself. So that the visitor really uses the CTA element, design it strikingly and make it clear why the customer should click on it. Avoid generic texts such as “Here you go to the homepage” or “To the online shop”. It’s better to offer something specific to your customers. For example, write, “Order now and save 10%” or “Use our online tool to find out how this product can simplify your everyday life”. Often many visitors will follow such a request. And experience has shown that from there it is not far to the point of purchase.

Some inspiration of successful landing pages

Finding good inspiration for a landing page is a challenge; therefore we have looked at the market and found three successful examples of modern and pertinent landing pages:


With Shopify you can quickly and easily create your own e-commerce site without any technical knowledge. Shopify stands out due to its extensive range of additional information (guides, videos, podcasts, forums) as well as complementary services: a selection of ready-made templates, a selection of free stock photos, etc.

The landing page summarises the offer in one sentence for the user: “the e-commerce platform made for you”. This statement addresses a large, often independent group of customers. The special thing about this landing page is that the call to action works directly in the first step by entering an e-mail address. If you want to test the tool for 14 days free of charge, you have to leave it behind. A successful conversion is made possible by directly informing the user that no credit card details are required for the trial period. The statement behind it: Click on the button, there are no hidden costs!


CodeCombat is a special example. It is a playful tool that both adults and children can use to learn programming. The concept is simple: you program to get ahead in the game. The first interesting aspect of CodeCombat’s landing page is that the audience is divided into: teachers (who would like to use the game in class) and children (who became aware of it through word of mouth). So, the focus of the landing page is both on teaching and on making the program easy to use. Therefore there are two Call-to-Actions: one for teachers and one for children.


Plated is a company specialised in the supply of ingredients for recipes: you choose from different recipe suggestions and the company supplies all the ingredients needed to cook the dish. The first thing you notice about the landing page is the graphic design. The colours are perfectly matched and the company has a real visual identity. The photos of the dishes stand out and the illustrations are well chosen. Just as the words are well chosen and very suitable for the target group of “Food Lovers” – looking at the page makes you hungry. The “Sign up” CTA (Call-to-Action) is clear and placed in the upper, immediately visible part of the landing page; the green colour stands out from the background.

Implement your Landing Page

With landing pages you can target your customers more specifically according to their needs. Because you can direct landing pages to specific channels, you always know what visitors’ interests are. You can even personalise landing pages. For example by greeting newsletter recipients personally on your website. Using tracking tools such as Google Analytics, you can also evaluate your landing pages at any time to see how successful individual channels are in meeting your objectives. Eminence, your local digital pioneer with 10th years of experience can help you. We can conduct an extensive audit, define your target audiences, and help you to create a successful landing page to boost the ROI of your company or brand.