
Lately, the protection of personal data has become a central issue in online advertising, and more broadly in digital marketing. Users are increasingly aware of how their data is used, and the various regulations governing the collection and management of personal information are becoming ever stricter.

Despite the announcement of another postponement of the disappearance of third-party cookies, it has never been more crucial for companies to begin, or continue, their transition to a privacy-friendly marketing. But to maintain a stable place in today’s digital ecosystem, it’s just as important to comply with regulations like the RGPD as it is to rely on the latest innovations like Consent Mode v2.

The current data privacy framework

Local data protection regulations require explicit consent, and advertisers wishing to rely on data in their marketing actions must adapt and review their consent policy and management.


a. Current regulations

In Europe and Switzerland, two regulations control standards for the collect and management of personal data: the RGPD and the NFADP (specific to Switzerland). These impose a whole set of rules with, in particular, free and explicit consent collected before any data processing. These regulations reflect a desire to offer users more control over their data and improve transparency in the company-customer relationship.


b. How do these regulations affect Google Ads and advertisers?

Companies, and especially those who use the Google tools for their communications and advertising campaigns, must reviewed their data management policies to comply with these regulations. Among other things, to guarantee compliance with the RGPD, they have to install a consent management platform (CMPs) on their websites. The type and volume of data collected will inevitably be impacted, so as the performance of advertising campaigns relying on precise data targeting.

The growing importance of data protection for users and advertisers

As users become more demanding about brand transparency in terms of data use, and regulations become increasingly stringent, companies face the challenge of rebuilding their trust relationship with customers, while ensuring a certain level of performance. What are the solutions to help them adapt effectively?


a. Users' expectations in terms of data protection

With these new regulations and a high level of awareness, today's users are very picky and want to be able to give informed consent: more specifically, they want to understand how their personal information will be used, and they demand greater transparency from companies. Data protection has become a real factor of trust in the relationship between customers and companies. If a user is not satisfied or convinced of a company's data management policy, he or she will not hesitate to refuse all data collection.


b. Challenges for advertisers

Meeting these expectations is a real challenge for companies, who must now find ways of reconciling data protection and advertising performance. Various solutions have already emerged on the market, such as third-party cookie-free advertising and campaign optimization based on cookieless data. But beware: the use of these new technologies requires significant changes in data collection and data analysis models.

Google Ads and the new consent settings feature

Google continues its efforts to support advertisers in the substantial transformations of the digital marketing and advertising market by regularly integrating new functionalities into its tools. Consent Settings, the latest, offers advertisers more control to ensure full compliance and maintain performance.


a. What is the “Consent Settings” tab in Google Ads?

In the summer of 2024, Google introduced a new feature: the Consent Settings tab in Google Ads. The aim of this tool is to give companies the opportunity to further customize the management of consent and triggers according to the data typology and regulations involved. Advertisers will now be able to set consent parameters for data collection according to their source: website or imported data.


b. Benefits of this functionality for advertisers

This feature, make it easier for companies to comply with the all the laws regulating data protection, while at the same time being able to optimize their advertising campaigns. Via this new tab, it is also possible to manage consent signals and guarantee transparent data collection tailored to users' expectations.


c. Benefits for users and advertisers

This tool ensures users greater consideration for their online privacy. Their consent preferences will be respected throughout the data exploitation chain, and they always keep control over it. For companies, it's an opportunity to align themselves with data protection regulations, while keeping room for maneuver to work on the performance of their advertising campaigns. At the same time, compliance will enhance their brand image and increase user confidence,

Perspectives on data privacy in Google Ads

With the disappearance of third-party cookies, the arrival of Consent Mode v2 and the Privacy Sandbox, the digital advertising market is in full mutation. How can companies keep up with change, what alternatives can they adopted, and how can they make the most of it?


a. The evolution of privacy-based advertising practices

Advertising privacy regulations are evolving rapidly, and advertising practices need to keep pace! The deletion of third-party cookies, like a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, is forcing the market to rethink these practices and study alternative solutions in depth, such as the return of contextual advertising or the use of cookieless signals. The aim is to quickly find new approaches which, while respecting users' choices, can bring satisfactory results to communication campaigns.


b. Impact of data protection on campaign optimization strategies

This is a new reality that companies must adapt to by adjusting their optimization strategies. As an example, Google has updated its Consent Mode tool with a V2 that offers more advanced modeling possibilities, thanks to the collection of anonymized data, even without consent. This provides a better understanding of trends without impacting user privacy.


c. New technologies to protect privacy in digital advertising

Other tools such as the Privacy Sandbox, still offered by Google, enable a better transition to a future without third-party cookies. The performance of advertising campaigns is guaranteed, so as the protection of user privacy.


d. The role of companies in promoting confidentiality

Taking the protection of users' personal data to heart and adjusting their data management policy is great, but making it known is even better! It is essential that companies communicate more openly about the transformations they are making in this area, and the innovative solutions they are adopting, such as Consent Mode V2. This will resonate within the market and encourage other companies to update more quickly, but above all it will enable the company to position itself as an ethical and responsible brand.


The growing importance of data protection in the digital advertising landscape continues to change its paradigms. Regulations are tightening, users are becoming increasingly demanding, and companies are facing the challenge of complying while maintaining good advertising performance. Tools such as the Google Ads consent parameter are emerging to harmonize advertising effectiveness and respect for privacy.


At Eminence, we are well aware of these issues, and monitor regulatory changes and the development of new alternatives on a daily basis. Drawing on this expertise, we support our customers in this transition, helping them to adapt their strategies, rethink their data approach, and commit to promoting a digital ecosystem that respects users' privacy and lives up to their expectations in terms of experience.


By choosing Eminence, you're choosing a partner who combines technical expertise, creativity and a deep understanding of today's digital marketing challenges.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you exploit the full potential of your data while remaining compliant.
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