Complicated words for very simple things. Eminence has prepared for you a mini dictionary for recurrent terms of digital marketing. Do not be lost in this flood of information. You also control the geek’s language, you will impress them all. So here’s a non-exhaustive list:

A/B testing

This is a test method commonly used in direct marketing. This allows comparing different versions of advertising campaigns to see which better works in terms of return on investment.


“Customer Relationship Management». CRM is all marketing tools aimed to optimize the customer relationship. The goal is to optimize the quality, retain customers, and increase revenue.

Call to action

The call to action is a teaser tricking the receiver of a marketing message to take action sought by the advertiser. It is for example a drive to encourage liker or share an article.


This corresponds to the fact that a visitor is transformed into a buyer for e-commerce site for example. The conversion is the fact that the receiver of a marketing campaign fulfilled the intended effect.


The e-marketing includes all advertising and marketing techniques to develop the activity of a website. This is a way to reach consumers interactively.

Landing page

The landing page is the page where the user arrives after being redirected by a commercial link, an email link or a banner. This is an important part of digital marketing campaigns. The landing page determines the transformation of the visitor in a more or less qualified client.


SEO aims to make a website appear on the first pages of natural results of search engines like Google.

Responsive design

This is the set of practices for integrating Internet content or designs of techniques to offer a version that adaptable to various media, pc, tablets, laptops…


This corresponds to the paid listings. To use the SEA, it is necessary to have a Google Adwords account. The SEA will allow you to appear on Google’s sites reserved on the top. The operation is based on a bidding system.


It’s all marketing actions aimed at improving the natural and paid search.