Another week is gone which bring new updates and new features in the digital world. As usual to be sure you don’t miss anything Eminence put together what we think you might be interested to read. Except for Instant Articles most of social media enhanced their videos features as it’s said videos are the future of social media. Enjoy our News of the week. Let us know what you think about it and share it. Thanks.

Instant Articles got 3 updates

Back in April Facebook hinted about new updates for their Facebook Instant Articles. Be ready as the new updates are for end of June.  First of all Instant Articles will be available for all publishers and even verified accounts would be able to share sponsored content. What’s new is the logo of the brand you are taking the content will appear in your article. Another update which is quite useful you will be able to “improve” with new feature on the style editor. New colours, new style and spacing. You can of course read more about it HERE.


Longer videos length of all time for Twitter

If you thought Instagram’s one minute video length was great then wait to read that. Twitter will allow 140seconds video length on their platform. This will be also available for Vine. This doesn’t come as a surprise really as everyone say video are the future of social media and they are all with no exception all making right and left new updates that go in that direction. There is also a new standalone app that Twitter rolled out. Twitter Engage will help high profile to monitor follows and mentions and with a better analytics report. You can read more HERE.


Instagram and its new Video Channel

Well of course it’s not new, this update was deployed last spring but what’s new is Instagram has added a few more topics on their channel. All that makes you wonder if they were not already thinking about the algorithm feeds back there as Instagram pick up for you what they think you will be interested to see. As we said previously videos are the future of social media. You can read about the new topics HERE.


Surprise, surprise Facebook Live update!

Have your camera and MSQRD ready! To be sure to have more Facebook users using Facebook Live they have again improved the feature. What’s new? You will be able to broadcast with two persons in different location. This update offer a lot of possibility as for example making live interviews. The other update is like for webinars there will be a waiting room for your broadcast it means you will be able to pre-schedule your live videos. The last update and the funnier one you will be able to go live from the MSQRD app and you can easily imagine what it means. You can read more about it HERE.
