Exciting tips on how to find the best SEO Agency for your company

Best SEO Agency for your company

Search engine optimisation (SEO) makes the difference!

A company with a perfectly SEO optimised website is able to increase the visibility and the organic traffic in the Internet and is also found by their respective target audience.

In order to be successful, you need to have a competent SEO Agency, which can help you reach your objectives.

But how to find the ideal SEO Agency for your company? And what makes up a good SEO Agency?

What is SEO – definition

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a combination of techniques and strategies used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) of Google (or other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, etc.).

With the help of SEO and the right keywords strategy, your website can be listed on the first pages of Google Research, which allows you to be more successful whilst better found by potential clients.

Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times. While most of these changes are minor, Google occasionally rolls out a “major” algorithmic update (such as Google Panda and Google Penguin) that affects search results in significant ways. Therefore, it is very important to stay updated on a day-to-day basis with the SEO.

Website analysis/audit

The first step for a successful SEO strategy is to take a deep look at the current state of your website. We recommend, asking you the following questions:

  • What do people think of your website?
  • Would more traffic increase your conversion rate?
  • Do prospects find your company/website when putting Keywords on Google research?
  • What is the history and architecture of your Website?
  • Has your website an SSL Certificate (since January 1, 2017, Google Chrome is indicating websites without SSL codification as unsecure)?
  • Did you check with Google Search Console if your website is penalised?
  • Did you analyse your competitors?


How do I recognise a professional SEO Agency?

A serious agency meets the following criteria:

  • Gives you a detailed documentation, about what is planned and what is being implemented.
  • Doesn’t promise you a top ranking, but explains you the possibilities and risks.
  • Optimises the content and the programming of the website. Be careful if both are just mentioned in passing or not at all.
  • Doesn’t install any software or scripts on your website which apparently performs miracles at the SEO.
  • Optimises all internal pages and not only the homepage.
  • Doesn’t use spam methods such as excessive use of keywords, hidden content, time-controlled publishing of content, etc.
  • Particularly emphasises that the Search Engine Guidelines need to be obeyed.
  • Informs you about the building of back links and avoids artificial backlinks or purchasing links.

What are the services of a SEO Agency?

Search engine optimisation is very individual and has to do a lot with experience. Not all agencies are offering a full SEO service.

Eminence, your local and international digital marketing agency can offer you SEO as a comprehensive package to create a successful strategy for your company.


What are the Key Factors for a successful SEO strategy?

We have listed for you the most important factors, which should be integrated in an effective SEO strategy:

  • Mobile Friendliness: We optimise the charging time of your website and at the same time take into account the devices.
  • Organic Traffic: Having a high organic traffic, means a high ranking of your website on the SERP without paying for its placement. To achieve this goal, it is important to have a high quality content and to write on a constant basis (blogs, social media, press articles, etc.). Our agency can help you create high quality content, to boost your ROI.
  • The OnPage-Optimisation (structure, meta-tags, text, technique) makes sure the content of your website is conform to the search engine optimisation and can be found by Google.
  • The OffPage-Optimisation (links, Social Media, Reputation) ensures your website is linked with other websites and helps you to have a positive positioning by the organic traffic of Google.
  • Impressions: We help you identify the number of impressions (number of times) an advertisement has been shown through Google AdWords or other PPC (pay per click advertising). Furthermore, we also track how many times your web page has been shown on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
  • The Conversion Rate is the transformation of a prospect into a client (sales, emails, subscribers, etc.). It can be measured by: the landing page, demographically, by device, or by browser.
  • Links: We help you build internal and in particular external links (back-links) to generate traffic to your website and to gain credibility.
  • Social Media activity: We recommend to integrate links for your readers to share and tweet articles (on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and/or Pinterest).
  • The Bounce rate is the rate which indicates the amount of visitors to any given website who navigate off the site after viewing only one page. This rate needs to be verified on the basis of the landing-page.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR) is the average percentage rate of the users who are clicking on one of your website links (e.g. ad, banner). The Google Search Console has an analytics report, which shows the average percentage rate of these users.
  • Title Tags: Optimisation of Title Tags. Each URL should have a Title Tag.
  • URLs: It is crucial to have a clear and short URL, which can be easily identified by Google.
  • The Meta-description should have at least 80 characters and maximum 150 characters, including the space character. If you overstep this value, Google will cut the Meta Description and replace the empty space characters with (…)
  • Keywords should be at the beginning of the first 80 characters and ideally within the second 80 characters. The Keywords are marked bold in the search engine results.


In a nutshell

Once you have implemented a successful SEO strategy, it will not only have a positive influence on your User experience (UX) and User Interface (UI), but also on your targeting pertinence, and most of all, it will have a tremendous impact on the reputation and notoriety of your brand.

Eminence, your SEO expert can help you reach your target audience and successfully boost your business with a thoughtful and extensive SEO strategy.
