How to optimize your Go-To-Market strategy with SEO?

How to optimize your Go-To-Market strategy with SEO?

In a highly competitive environment, companies are constantly adopting new techniques to optimize their product launches. The Go-To-Market strategy and SEO are key tactics to facilitate the process of setting up new offers and reaching new markets.  

In this article, our digital experts explain what the Go-To-Market strategy consists of and why it is important to optimize your SEO.  

What is a Go-To-Market strategy?  

A Go-To-Market strategy, also known as GTM, is the plan a company follows to acquire new customers for a new product or service. In other words, all the marketing that takes place before achieving product-market fit. 

Finding your first loyal customers is tricky this is because they need to be reassured that:  

  • Your proposition better fits their expectations compared to what your competitors are doing.  
  • Your products offer them a greater sense of value than those available on the market.  
  • Your brand, team, and company convey and instill trust. This is essential, especially when launching a new product or service on the market. 

In this context, a Go-To-Market strategy is used to define, step-by-step, the parameters that will allow a product or service to be successfully launched on the market; from the marketing positioning to the targeting and methodology.  

How to set up a Go-To-Market strategy?  

  • Determine your target audience and create personas  

Creating personas will help you understand the different characteristics that make up your target. To do this, it is important to define your ideal customer’s demographics, including their gender, age, interests, and profession. Identifying the socio-professional category of each persona as well as their interests is also essential to ensure that the new product or service that has just been launched meets the expectations of the market.   

  • Focus on your brand promises and unique value propositions   

How do you convince a consumer to buy your products? How do you invite them to choose your offer over that of your competition? To persuade your target audience, it is important to determine a unique and clear value proposition. This promise must translate into the expected benefits that your offer will bring to the customer. It justifies the existence of your activity in the heart of the market and allows you to distinguish yourself from your competitors.  

  • Establish a clear pricing strategy   

This is a rather complex operation for the launch of your product or service that requires the consideration of a multitude of factors, as it will determine your positioning, your sales volumes, and your customer profiles. 

  • Choose your marketing channels  

Once you’ve decided who you’re going to target, you need to decide which acquisition channel is most likely to produce the best return on investment.  

  • The best channel will depend on:   
  • The channels your customers use the most  
  • The skills of your team  
  • The budget you want to invest  

Once the mapping of each channel is done, you need to prioritize the one that seems to be the most effective. 

How to develop your Go-To-Market strategy with SEO?   

SEO for a brand-new business is an essential part that should not be underestimated. In fact, it’s helpful to have an SEO-focused vision from the early stages of launch, to help you choose the best structure for your website, the interlinking between pages, and your information architecture. It’s also crucial to help you coordinate with your web developers to make sure your site is as clear, fast, and useful as possible. 

With SEO you can:  

  • Conduct keyword research for product-market fit: When thinking about your key differentiators in your competitive context, keyword research can help you understand what features your users prefer. Doing keyword research around your new product and industry will help you understand how your users think, talk and search for information related to your products and services. It can also give you an idea of the overall organic traffic potential in your niche, to help you make realistic predictions. 
  • Understand your real competitors: In the competitive research that most businesses do, one question that is often overlooked is, “What other businesses show up when web users search for your target topics?” They may be companies that provide a related service or product to yours or offer a similar offering. They may even be industry news posts that may match information users are looking for early in their customer journey. This is something you need to consider in your marketing, as your potential customers will see these as options when they compare. 


In conclusion, the launch of your new product or service is the first step in a long process of building, optimizing, and evolving that will ensue. SEO, on the other hand, gives you the means to develop a more effective Go-To-Market strategy. In the long run, it will also contribute to the growth of your product and the brand as a whole.  

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