Boost Google AdWords campagains ROI with call tracking and AI

Increase the ROI of your Google AdWords campaigns with call tracking and conversational intelligence

Once you have launched Google AdWords campaigns with a specific marketing objective, you need to determine which ones are the most effective in terms of cost and results. This is why we advise you to optimize your ROI by integrating call tracking and conversational intelligence with your Google ads. Indeed, the combination of these two key performance indicators will help you understand which campaigns generate the most leads and therefore, allocate a larger budget to those that offer you more sales opportunities.    

In this article, we take a look at how you can optimize your ROI and increase your conversion rate.  


Google Call Tracking: What is it and how does it work?  


Currently, Google AdWords has an option that allows you to directly place a phone call from the ad itself. This allows your leads to call you from the ad. This is done via an integrated “Call” button in your ad and it enables a user to call you directly.   

By adding this Google feature to your campaigns, you can obtain valuable information to efficiently identify a lead, the campaign they clicked on, and the details of the call (duration, time, phone number of the Internet user). If an Internet user calls you, it means that the ad was suggested to the user and is therefore relevant. So that, you will be able to conclude that your campaign is performing and allocate a more significant budget to it compared to others to optimize your efforts and your ROI.   


The benefits of this feature:   

  1. Access reports that collect call data: date, duration, time, number prefix, phone number. This information can help you determine the time at which your future campaigns/actions should be launched, in which geographical area the Internet user is located (geographical targeting will be much more precise), etc.   
  2. Optimize your conversion rates by creating impactful calling experiences. Bonus: it allows you to enrich your database and improve your ROI.   
  3. Improve your campaigns thanks to the data collected     
  4. Gather valuable information about your potential leads and identify their behaviors and profitability.   
  5. Identify the campaigns that generate the most leads   
  6. Create personalized campaigns according to the needs identified during telephone conversations with Internet users.   


Conversational Intelligence: what is it? How can it help you increase your ROI?  


If an Internet user calls you directly from your ad, the conversation between your sales representative and the lead will be analyzed via Conversational Intelligence (CI).   

Conversational Intelligence is an application that can collect data from call recordings and provide you with information about the performance of these calls, the user and their needs. The CI, therefore, offers you the possibility to improve your customer experience, to adjust your sales approach and your tone of voice and, to optimize your marketing campaigns.    

In addition, conversational intelligence will help your salespeople to conduct quality conversations with your prospects (by re-examining the interactions of your Internet users/customers). It will provide them with key details detected during the call in your advertising messages. From this you can optimize AdWords campaign messages to the key expectations of your leads and thus to reach your campaign objective at a lower cost.  

Finally, you will be able to evaluate the mindset of your prospects and customers, discover their needs and create personalized and effective marketing campaigns that will respond to their needs.   

Indeed, if you want to generate more conversions and have a satisfactory ROI, you need to be able to know which campaigns work. These two marketing techniques will save you a considerable amount of time when it comes to analyzing and understanding your target audiences and developing your campaigns.   

Note: call tracking and conversational intelligence help eliminate “blind spots” from your marketing strategy.    


How will these two metrics improve your customer experience? 


The customer experience you offer your targets must be personalized, adapted to their expectations and consistent. Consequently, by gathering information about your target Internet users through call tracking and conversational intelligence, you are able to offer relevant content and advertising actions, and attract your prospects by conveying the right messages to the right audience at the right time.   

In addition, by using Google calls, you give your prospects the opportunity to choose the type of information they prefer; i.e. click on the ad and search independently while browsing your site or call a consultant to get an answer to their question.   

Companies tend to forget that calls are an efficient and fast way to get information and recommendations about an offer or a brand. The power of human contact in the customer experience is important, especially during the current health crisis. 

Call advertising allows you to encourage users to contact you while highlighting the strengths of your offers. You can add additional information in your ads such as teaser extensions, location extensions, or site previous to make the customer experience and information search easier.   

By combining ads and calls, you’ll be able to understand the preferences, expectations, and interests of your prospects, allowing you to personalize your company’s experience. As for the analysis of your conversations, it will help you turn prospects into customers with the right message and content tailored to their needs.    

The important thing is to know which advertising messages to convey to reach prospects and provide them with the best possible user experience.  


Expert advice from our specialists on two scenarios: 


  • The telephone number associated with the ad may change over time. Customers or leads may note the number on the first call and then find out by calling you that it is no longer valid.   


The Solution: To avoid this inconvenience, you can specify to your leads who have become customers that this number is no longer valid as soon as they become part of the company’s customer database.      


  • The number assigned by Google is arbitrary and always starts with 08 or 09: these numbers are often associated with rate-charged numbers. Internet users may therefore hesitate to call you.   


The Solution: you can add a mention on the ad “Free call” or “Call for free”. 


If you are interested in this marketing technique, our experts are at your disposal to assist you in the development of your SEA strategy. Please do not hesitate to contact us: