Summer is often considered to be the least important time of the year for companies. But your community and your customers want to stay in touch with you and hear from you. Consumers have more time to browse the internet, follow promotions and news from their favorite brands.

Our experts explain why it is essential to communicate with your targets.

Why publish during the holidays?

Questions, suggestions, complaints and comments continue to be published on your pages. This is the reason why it is necessary to ensure a presence on social networks even during the summer period.

Moreover, far from work and the concerns of daily life, your community is more open to discover, share and comment on the content you post. This is therefore the ideal time to develop your brand image by sharing interesting and attractive content.

The summer period: a real opportunity for your brand!

When brands are slowing down, competition is less strong and consumers are more attentive as they are less solicited by other brands, this period is ideal to reach more consumers.

Your target has more time to read your brand’s content, respond to a message or study an offer. However, you must be careful when communicating during the summer period because not all Internet users are on holiday at the same time. The tone of the message is therefore the key to effective communication during the summer.

Summer is also a season full of communication possibilities: the sales period in July, music festivals or the national holiday.

You can also create newsletters to inform your subscribers about good deals and new “summer special” offers.

Opt for a relaxed, less commercial tone:

Even on holiday, we use all our smartphones to stay connected through social networks and to keep in touch with our entourage. This is where companies can gain ground.

To do this, having a lighter tone, calling for sharing and fun, makes your prospects more receptive and attentive. However, care must be taken not to fall into a “false” personalization that emphasizes sunshine and holidays, as some individuals may not be on holidays and in the rain. This could create a negative feeling towards your brand. Choosing the right words and practicing the right personalization are the key to successful communication.

Original animations and content are essential:

The summer period offers the opportunity to many companies to propose fun activities, original animations and adapted contents to generate the interest of Internet users.

Indeed, your editorial line must consider the context. Take advantage of this period to publish lighter content. Holidays will inevitably be highlighted; simple and humorous messages will allow you to maintain your level of interaction with your community without burdening it with too serious information. Opt for contests to entertain consumers and build loyalty.

We also advise you to avoid launching unfortunate or controversial subjects that could create controversy because managing comments could be complicated during this period.

Prepare for the new school year!

Holidays are not just about lazing around and fanning out your toes… It’s an excellent time to take stock of your activity and plan new actions, especially with the start of the new school year. To do this:

– Put in place a real strategy on your social networks to reach more targeted people.

– Work on your SEO in order to put all the chances on your side on the search engines.

– Prepare a well-written newsletter to launch the offer you have planned for the new school year.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like our experts to help you manage your social networks during the summer.

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