E-commerce continues to grow. Each day Internet is gaining market share by encroaching on those shops and boutiques. So how to counter competition from online stores? An American company offers an interesting solution: the beacons!

How does it works?

Beacons are small sensors that digitize shops. The beacons operate as an internal tracking system and use the bluetooth. Upon entering a store, GPS sensors detect your phone and send you a welcome message. A few meters away, an article interests you? How lucky, you just received a notification letting you a discount on this product. Beacons are tools that will allow traders to retain and understand consumer behaviour. Moreover their production costs are low, they are cheap and consume little power. An investment that may revolutionize the customer experience in store!

Huge potential

Beacons are a growing market, smartphone users are still more numerous. Also in recent months there has been a return to the craze of real shopping. No more virtual, sick of disappointment or being cloistered at home behind their computer screen, consumers want to touch the product! Consumer habits are changing towards the digitalization of shops: a compromise between e-commerce and shopping. According to Business Insider survey, 50% of North American retailers have initiated an experimental phase in 2014, and 85% of the outlets should be equipped in 2016. Although the European market is still lag the United States, the beacon should arrive quickly.

The future of beacons

Beacons begin by equipping stores, but their development should reach all sectors incessantly shortly. In the US, this technology is gaining sports arenas. American football stadiums, baseball are equipped with these sensors. Soon we will see it in museums, bars and restaurants, schools, cinemas, banks, etc. This is a real revolution that is underway. In testing, we have to  solve some technical and ethical use problems. Indeed, some smartphone users prefer to deactivate the bluetooth to extend the life of the battery, and others are reluctant to share their location data.

To conclude the beacons are a real technology that has to face the challenge of privacy. And you? Are you for or against the use of beacons? Post your opinion, and feel free to share this article with your friends!