google analytics 4

Discover the new version of Google Analytics 4

  •   3 July 2023

With the rise of e-commerce and increasing pressure on businesses to maximize every marketing dollar spent, insights provided by digital analytics tools have become even more crucial. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google’s web analytics service, providing integrated tracking and user behavior analysis for websites, applications, and other digital platforms. Replacing […]

Google Analytics 4 Comparisons - How to use them?

How to make comparisons in Google Analytics 4?

  •   11 August 2022

As we have already told you for a few weeks, Universal Analytics will disappear by July 2023 and will be replaced by Google Analytics 4. In order to help you through this transition, our experts at Eminence give you their best tips and share with you subtleties that could help you better manage your business. […]

google analytics 4

How to make a smooth transition to Google Analytics 4? The errors not to be made

  •   21 July 2022

As we have already mentioned in our article Google Analytics moves to the next level with its version 4 , Google Analytics 4 will soon become a reality for millions of companies. Indeed, after 17 years of existence, Google Analytics, as we know it, will cease to exist and a more advanced version that better takes into […]

Google Analytics 4 Mistakes in Configuration You Should Avoid

Google Analytics moves to the next level with its version 4

  •   30 June 2022

Google Analytics is one of the most widely used digital tools in the world, and any change to it can have a huge impact on millions of businesses! Google has stated that all Universal Analytics users must migrate to Google Analytics 4 by July 2023, the official introduction of Google Analytics 4 following the beta […]
