The digital world is in constant evolution, with new features, new applications and updates. This evolution is a result of the change in consumer behaviour,and brands thay aim to achieve their goals through social media. In order for you to stay up to day with the latest developments, Eminence, digital agency, offers you a weekly dose of the best digital news. Stay tuned!
Good news for businesses – Snapchat allows your brand to be easily found.
As of last week, Snapchat have revamped their app, allowing businesses to be more discoverable. This means that Snapchat stories can be viewed more easily through the app. Although this is mostly cosmetic at this point- it allows a much more visual way of finding new accounts related to theneeds of the consumer.

Instagram reveal how their ads inside stories will look.
Just as you thought adverts were taking over our social media feeds on Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter. Instagram has launched their in-story ads. On Wednesday, Instagram has revealed how they will look, they are longer than the existing Snapchat ads, but are also easily skippable. Nike, Netflix and Airbnb were all part of the piloting process.

→ How to leverage Instagram Shopping to boost your sales?
Twitter’s latest feature prompts you to tweet your new profile picture
The popularity of hashtagshave soared in the past few years, but does everyone really want to promote their updated profile picture? The new launch of a campaign named #NewProfilePic is encouraging users to use the unified hashtag when their photo is updated. Twitter have mentioned that users will be prompted with a prefilled hashtag which will increase the visual content similar to that of Facebook newsfeeds.

YouTube launches “Super Chat”, to make money from their live streams
YouTube has recently announced that they have created a live chat stream, which enables viewers to chat directly to the creators through paying real money in order to make their comment really stand out. This ensures that the viewers chat will be pinned to the top for a few hours, which gives the message a lot of air time. But is this really the way forward when watching Live Streams of video?

→ YouTube SEO – 12 tips to boost the ranking of your video