
Discover how server-side tracking can improve the accuracy and security of your analytical data.
Although postponed to 2025, the end of third-party cookies is inevitable and will radically transform the digital landscape and the audience targeting paradigm. Data collection, user communication personalization, and the measurement of marketing efforts’ performance will become increasingly complex.
Overall, in this context of a gradual transition to a cookieless world, combined with the rise of ad blockers and tracking prevention technologies like those of Firefox and Safari, managing advertising campaigns is significantly challenged. To overcome these challenges and continue to implement a data-driven marketing strategy while remaining compliant with regulations, server-side tracking offers a promising solution.

What is Server-Side Tracking?

Server-Side Tracking involves collecting user data during the visit to a web page by routing it from the web server, which delivers these pages, to a destination server where the data will be processed.

Client-Side vs Server-Side tracking

To fully grasp the benefits of server-side tracking, it is essential to understand the functioning of the traditional tracking model: client-side tracking.

With client-side tracking, data is collected directly from JavaScript tags embedded on web pages and executed in the user's browser. This raw data is then sent to analytics and advertising tools.

The limitations of client-side tracking are numerous:

A large number of HTTP requests to process for the site, resulting in an overload of code to execute, which increases loading time and degrades overall performance.
Raw, unprocessed data is transmitted directly from the user's browser, which exposes it to security risks.
Inconsistencies in data can occur for various reasons, such as ad blockers or network issues.
Maintenance issues and scalability difficulties of the tool due to the intervention of third parties.

In contrast, server-side tracking overcomes these limitations by offering:

Better data control as it is processed, deduplicated, and corrected before being sent to analytics and advertising platforms, ensuring more qualified and relevant data.

Complete independence from third-party cookies, allowing for enriching data collection even after 2025.

Reduced data loss by bypassing ad blockers and anti-tracking systems, providing more comprehensive audience insights to improve marketing actions.

Simplified consent management, with data filtering and anonymization to retain only the necessary information.

Improved site performance, thanks to reduced code volume and faster loading speed, leading to a better user experience.

Server-side tracking also allows tracking of events that do not occur on the site, such as payment confirmation on a third-party platform. It offers the possibility to connect a CRM to optimize targeting and creates a solid foundation for marketing automation and analysis. This tool enables a more holistic and precise management of marketing performance.

Components of Server-Side Tracking

As mentioned, server-side tracking is a process that begins as soon as a user interacts with web content; the event is triggered, and the script is sent server-side. The data is then first sent to the destination server, where it is processed, cleaned, and enriched before being transmitted to appropriate analytics or marketing platforms. This method enhances data accuracy and security by minimizing client-side vulnerabilities.


The 4 main components of server-side tagging are:

  1. Data collection: Capturing user interactions via scripts embedded on web pages.
  2. Data processing: Cleaning, deduplicating, and enriching data before transmission.
  3. Data storage: Securely storing data on the server for future use.
  4. Data transmission: Sending processed data to analytics and marketing platforms.

The 3 Major Reasons to Switch to Server-Side Tracking

Privacy and Security
With new government measures, server-side tracking becomes legally unavoidable. It helps businesses achieve better compliance with regulations like GDPR or CCPA and ensures enhanced data protection. Companies gain better control over user information, enhancing security and limiting risks of data breaches.


Performance and Reliability
One of the key advantages of server-side tracking is its ability to boost website performance by reducing the volume of HTTP requests. This not only speeds up site loading times but also ensures more accurate data collection by bypassing ad blockers and anti-tracking systems.


Control and Data Flexibility
Server-side tracking allows for more advanced personalization in user communication through greater granularity and better control over collected data. By filtering and enriching data before analysis or use in audience targeting, businesses ensure the retention and exploitation of high-quality data.

Deployment of Server-Side Tracking with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4

Setting Up a Server-Side Container in GTM

Google offers its own server-side tracking solution with GTM Server-Side, fully integrated into the Google ecosystem, which simplifies its configuration and usage. The tool also provides great flexibility in tag configuration and data processing. In terms of costs, this solution offers a more advantageous pricing compared to the rest of the market.


What are the steps to start with server-side tagging in GTM?

  • Create a new server-side container in GTM.
  • Configure the server domain and security settings.
  • Define tags and triggers to capture desired events.
  • Test the configuration to ensure that data is correctly collected (i.e., respecting user choices) and transmitted.

These steps are integral to establishing an effective tracking plan, ensuring systematic and accurate implementation of data tracking.


Some examples of common tags and triggers:

  • Conversion tracking tags
  • Custom event tags
  • Triggers based on specific user actions


Why is it important to create synergy between server-side tracking and your analytics tools?

Server-side tracking enables higher data quality through centralized processing and allows for greater customization of reports and analyses. By combining this with web tracking, you obtain a more comprehensive view of user behavior. Overall, integrating all marketing tools is much smoother when opting for Google tools.

Exploring Advanced Server-Side Tracking Management

Managing the Data Layer on the Server

To ensure that collected information is optimally utilized, it's crucial to methodically organize the management of the Data Layer. Two main aspects should be considered:


Data organization, structured in logical layers:

Thoughtful segmentation to facilitate management and analysis
Standardized data formats for easier integration with other tools
Hierarchical data with priority levels to enable more efficient processing.


Optimizing data flows:

Minimizing latency, compressing data, and implementing caching to reduce server load.
Server Security Management

A significant advantage of server-side tagging is the ability to configure data security effectively and implement necessary measures to ensure it:


Establishing a robust security protocol with:

  • Encryption to secure data in transit and at rest
  • Strong authentication mechanisms and granular access control
  • Monitoring and logging all access attempts to prevent suspicious activities.


Continuous access monitoring through:

Regular audits to address potential vulnerabilities
Role-based access management
Regular security updates.
Debugging and Testing Server-Side Implementations


To ensure accurate data collection and reporting, effective tools and techniques for debugging and testing server-side implementations are essential:

Using debugging tools to identify and resolve issues:

  • Monitoring tools
  • Detailed logs
  • Automated testing tools.


Implementing regular tests to ensure data credibility:

Verifying each system component functions correctly and integrates well.
Conducting load tests to ensure the system handles high data volumes without performance degradation.
Ensuring tracking systems comply with regulations and industry standards.

By applying these practices, businesses ensure efficient, secure, and reliable server-side tracking, enabling informed decision-making for future marketing actions.


The end of third-party cookies announced for early 2025 will mark a decisive turning point for the world of digital marketing, complicating data collection and personalized communications. Server-side tracking emerges as the key solution to meet these new challenges. With improved control, enhanced security, and optimized performance, server-side tagging enables businesses to maintain a data-driven approach in their marketing strategies while adhering to data protection regulations.

In the coming years, server-side tracking will continue to evolve, integrating new technologies such as AI and machine learning. Predictive analytics and deeper insights are likely to become more accessible. However, along with new opportunities come new challenges, particularly in maintaining data security.

By adopting these new methods, you are preparing for a future that promises smarter, more secure, and more efficient data tracking. Engaging a specialized agency in server-side tracking can provide expert guidance and facilitate the deployment of such projects. Our team is ready to assist you in this transition and provide essential support to navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Contact us today to start the discussion!

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