Mobile Application launched in 2010, bought by Facebook, Instagram now has over 400 million users and allows to instantly share photos and videos with the community.


At the time of 3.0 marketing and development of social networks, Instagram has become an indispensable tool for your digital strategy: the visual and the persuasion.

Why be on instagram?

– Through comments, mobile users can share publicly with brands and other application users. On the other hand, the development of Insta Direct will allow you to chat instantly with the user. A thorough study of these uses will allow you to better understand the psychology of your target.

– To promote your products or services, you can publish video showcasing your benefits through appropriate storytelling strategy. Also facing a hungry community information, news, and tips, feel free to publish pictures of your live events, or organize quizzes.

These new perspectives suggest opportunities for exceptional conversion rate that should convince you easily … because figures are always more persuasive than visual 😉 !

Do not hesitate to contact us for any request for an offer adapted to your needs.