Master easter marketing and maximize sales in DACH region


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Maximizing Easter Marketing Trends: A Data-Driven Approach to Digital Marketing in the DACH Market

As Easter approaches, the DACH market (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) is all set to capitalize on increased consumer demand with Easter Marketing campaigns. This can be done by leveraging emerging consumer trends based on data-driven strategies to optimize paid and organic content that resonates with audiences during this holiday period.

The DACH market is a highly-connected regions, with an average internet penetration of 93%, the DACH region is a highly-connected region. This equated to almost 94 million internet users (EuroDev, 2023). In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, understanding consumer behavior and demand during Easter and implementing targeted messages that match their expectations is key to driving campaign success.

When it comes to seasonal peaks it is essential to take into account The 7 Cs of digital marketing: customer, content, context, community, convenience, cohesion, and conversion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore key Consumer Trends during Easter and provide actionable insights for you to enhance your Easter marketing efforts.

Why it matters?

Consumers’ habits are greatly impacted by key holiday events, like Easter, and the End of Year Holidays. Therefore, when this increased consumer activity is leveraged correctly, it can generate more revenue, increase brand awareness, and foster customer loyalty. In this way, seasonal marketing offers a key advantage for brands.

It is a goldmine for marketers, providing them with valuable insights into their audience’s interests and behaviors. For instance, during Christmas, and Valentine’s Day, consumers are typically focused on purchasing gifts for their loved ones and celebratory foods are key to these two holidays. Similarly, during Easter, people are inclined to buy gifts like chocolate and flowers, and some may even plan to travel as the warm, spring weather arrives.

This presents an opportunity for event jacking across several verticals including travel, hospitality, retail, F&B, and FMCG, where marketers can leverage this peek to align their strategies with the interests of their target audiences. Consumer forecasts indicate that the top categories for Easter shopping include candy, gifts, and food. Whilst clothing, flowers, decorations, and greeting cards remain popular, search queries as well. In this way, if brands strategically implement event-jacking tactics, they can capitalize on these seasonal trends and maximize their efforts during key holiday periods to drive conversions and increase sales.

Understanding Easter Consumer Behavior in the DACH Market

Consumer behavior during Easter provides valuable insights for brands, allowing them to anticipate and capitalize on market trends effectively. Understanding these shifts in holiday shopping is important for strategic media planning. By analyzing region-specific trends and consumer preferences, brands can tailor their strategies to optimize Easter sales and engagement.

So, let’s delve into some key insights to consider during this time:

Easter Marketing Sales:

During Easter, consumer behavior reflects a blend of traditional and modern trends. According to Facebook IQ, research at META indicates that 38% of holiday shoppers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa view the holidays as an opportunity to find the best deals, while 57% say they explore new products more during the holiday season compared to the rest of the year.

Furthermore, despite the growing popularity of online shopping, brick-and-mortar stores remain relevant, with a significant portion of consumers preferring in-store purchases during Easter. The FMCG sector, particularly candy, toys, food, and clothes, is set to dominate Easter shopping lists, making grocery stores and mass retailers prime destinations for Easter purchases.

Businesses can boost their visibility by offering holiday specials and leveraging last-minute deals, free shipping, and offering in-store pick-up services to attract customers and drive sales.

Consumer Trends during Easter:

  • It is important to consider that consumers in the DACH region value security and quality. Thus, brand credibility, badges, and certificates remain important factors to attract customers.
  • Language is another important aspect of this complex market. Although the DACH region is highly proficient in English, there is a strong preference towards German language. So, be sure to consider adapting your campaigns to this multilingual market. Notably, Switzerland has four official languages (German, French, Italian and Romansh) and many cantons are bilingual or trilingual.
  • The DACH region is very comfortable with shopping online. What is more, mobile first shopping has surged in popularity, according to NRF. Indeed, consumers who make Easter purchases via their smartphones that are under 35yrs, has risen by +13% in the past 4 years.
  • It is important to note that as a celebration, Easter signifies new life, fresh beginnings, and brings friends and family together. There has been a noticeable eagerness among consumers to resume their customary hosted events, and get-togethers, as the world returns to pre-pandemic social activities. To resonate with this desire, brands should align their merchandising and messaging efforts accordingly.
  • Easter is a time for gift giving amongst friends, family and loved ones. One key platform where consumers now seek inspiration is TikTok. The social media giant noted +85% of TikTok users bought or received a gift for Easter, with 24% purchasing items seen on TikTok for Easter, underlining the platform’s significant influence during the holiday. With 8.9 billion views for #Easter, TikTok has become a crucial platform for engaging audiences during this festive period. Brands can leverage these insights by aligning their merchandising and messaging efforts, accordingly. Focusing on traditional values, social experiences, and leveraging TikTok engagement strategies to drive awareness, and consideration for their brand.
  • The DACH market in particular experiences unique consumer trends during Easter, influenced by cultural nuances and regional preferences. Brands can leverage data analytics to identify emerging trends and capitalize on consumer interest in Easter-related products and experiences. For example, an intriguing aspect of consumer behavior during Easter in the DACH region is the preference for tradition over innovation. Thus, rather than pursuing novelty concepts, consumers express a willingness to preserve traditional elements when it comes to marketing campaigns.
  • Another key aspect brands must consider when leveraging the Easter holiday in the DACH region, is the early initiation of merchandising efforts. It is recommended to start as early as the beginning of February to maximize consumer readiness for Easter celebrations and enhance brand engagement.

Key Takeaways for Understanding Consumer Behavior during Easter: 

  • DACH audiences value security and quality.
  • 38% of holiday shoppers prioritize finding the best deals during Easter.
  • Mobile purchases for Easter related products have surged in popularity.
  • 57% of consumers explore new products more during the holiday season.
  • 85% of TikTok users bought or received a gift for Easter, with 24% purchasing items seen on TikTok.
  • DACH Consumers prefer tradition over innovation, particularly in marketing campaigns.
  • Brick-and-mortar stores remain relevant, with many consumers preferring in-store purchases.
  • The FMCG sector, including candy, toys, food, and clothes, dominates Easter shopping lists.
  • Local businesses can increase visibility by offering holiday specials and incentivize audiences with free shipping and last-minute deals.

Read also:

Strategies for Easter Marketing Success in the DACH Market

Brands targeting the DACH market can implement several strategies to maximize Easter marketing sales and engagement:

Data-Driven Targeting for DACH Consumers:

Leverage data analytics to segment and target DACH consumers effectively. By analyzing demographic and behavioral data, brands can personalize their Easter marketing campaigns to resonate with local audiences and drive engagement. According to NRF Consumer Trends, the most popular Easter items purchased are food, candy, gifts, clothing, greeting cards, decorations, and flowers.
Remember to stay aligned with your brand identity when leveraging Easter marketing trends.

Strategic Acquisition Tactics for the DACH Market:

    • Implement tactics tailored to the DACH market, such as localized advertising campaigns and influencer partnerships. Ensure that content created remains authentic, and true to the brand. It must be original and high-quality to reinforce credibility and elevate the brand image. By doing so, brands can attract targeted audiences, and resonate with their DACH consumers during Easter.
    • Adding value is crucial when it comes to a successful campaign during peak season. Whether it’s an experience, a discount or a freebie, customers value being rewarded. Highlighting this can ensure that your brand remains top of mind.
    • A competitive offer can be further reinforced with optimized strategic paid media formats like interactive and dynamic ads. These formats are the most captivating for audiences and increase engagement.
    • Furthermore, it is recommended to have cohesive communication plan and an overarching omnichannel marketing strategy when it comes to paid and organic content.

Web Optimization for DACH Easter Sales:

To leverage this holiday season, optimize your brand’s website for Easter sales. By creating localized landing pages, updating product listings with Easter-themed offerings, and offering exclusive promotions for DACH consumers, you can maximize your marketing potential. This in turn provides a seamless online shopping experience tailored to your audience’s preferences, to drive conversions and maximize Easter sales.

Gamification of Easter marketing campaigns:

Customer experience shows that gamification is a powerful way for brands to captivate their audiences and reach marketing objectives in a fun and interactive manner. Indeed 56% of consumers are more likely to click on a gamified ad rather than a static ad, whilst 51% of people agree that winning a voucher is more valuable than being given a voucher (Playable, 2023).
The type of gamification could range from interactive games, micro-sites to dedicated landing pages that gather valuable First Party Data, customer preferences, and attract, engage, and retain customer interest. This approach enables brands to differentiate themselves in competitive markets and elevate their seasonal marketing strategies.


Leveraging Easter Marketing Trends for Success in the DACH Market

In conclusion, it’s crucial to tailor your seasonal marketing strategy to align with the distinct characteristics of your industry for optimal effectiveness. Contrary to popular belief, seasonal marketing extends beyond retail sectors and can benefit various industries.
Easter presents a prime opportunity for brands in the DACH market to drive sales and engagement through targeted campaigns and strategic acquisition tactics. By understanding consumer behavior, preferences and leveraging these data-driven insights, brands can optimize their Easter marketing campaigns to maximize their business objectives. 

Are you ready to elevate your Easter marketing strategy?

Contact Eminence today to explore personalized solutions for your business needs today.