How to improve your online reputation?

online reputation

Managing your online reputation has become essential, whether you are a company or an individual.

For a business, it is crucial, as an increasing number of customers inquire about a company on the Internet before buying their products, relying on the opinions and reviews they find, which greatly influences their purchases.

Your online reputation is not just your business website. Google says this “Your online identity is determined not only by what you post, but also by what others post about you-whether a mention in a blog post, a photo tag or a reply to a public status update”.


Advises of improving an online reputation

So here are 10 tips to improve your online reputation and keep your business shining.

  1. Own the first page on Google results: that means if you own a business, your company website needs to be in the top results on Google’s search engine

You definitely need to own your social profiles such are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and perhapsInstagram or a YouTube channel. A personal blog is also recommended, accompanied by pressed releases.

  1. Be social: It is essential to have as many social profiles as possible for your company or for yourself if you’re managing your own reputation.
  1. Blogs: It is important to create an executive blogabout your industry,your personal thoughts, your professional advancement and your carrier objectives. This will help you to be on the first page on Google ranking.
  1. Press Releases: Many times insearch engine optimization, industry specialists often do press releases to get backlinks to pages; but it turns out that press releases on their own will rank very high on Google if they are either from PR Web and PRNewswire. So, if you have either of these two you’ll rank higher. You’ll also need to create similar links from your social sites or blogs to help the press releases move higher on the rankings. Also, besure to use your name or your company’s name in the title.
  1. Encourage reviews: One of the best things to do after someone uses your services or receives one of your productsis to ask them to write a review about the company and/or products. What you want is as many good reviews as possible.
  1. Don’t argue! That’s means if your company is mentioned in a forum and there are some negative reviews about your products, the last thing you should do is spend time on numerous posts about why your company is doing a great job or why your products are good .If someone has a bad experience about your services and/or your products,it is better to respond once and move that response to another site,for example a site that you own or a customer service site.This is how you can take control and helpthe customer.
  1. YouTube: YouTube videos, almost, always rank very high on Google search results, so make sure to have an account anda title to every video you post with a name of your company (or yours), and never forget to write a description as they provide you with words (keywords) that Google can use to help you rank even better.
  1. Press: It is also important to have your name and your company’s name in the press. So look for opportunities to be interviewed for articles.
  1. Mobile: Make sure that your website works very well in a mobile environment; that means the website should load quickly and is easy to navigate. This is because Google looks at the mobile compatibility of websites and how fast they load.
  2. Be active!
  • Participate in online forums
  • If you participate in a conference be sure to put presentations up on slide share.
  • A great place to upload your slide share is LinkedIn! Be sure that your company’s name is in the title. This will help you slideshare rank even higher on Google.

Building an online reputation is a crucial task for every business as competition is increasing every day, and by following those tips, you could keep your business in a stronger position.

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