From an SEO perspective, an organic search strategy is about increasing the amount of organic traffic to the site while gaining quality leads. To achieve this, you need to have an effective strategy and consider adding an element of CRO.

What is the role of a CRO in an SEO strategy? Our experts explain everything in this article.

What is CRO?

CRO, or conversion rate optimization, is a set of techniques that aim to boost the conversion rate of a website and engage visitors, whether through a registration or a sale. So, if you want users who visit your platform to become new customers or perform a conversion action, you need to implement a CRO strategy. The actions taken to achieve it are mainly focused on ergonomics, design, and user experience.

Indeed, this practice is essential for any commercial campaign on a web page, because it allows you to study the behavior of your visitors and improve your website according to the data collected during the analysis. This data can include gender, age, language, or eating habits, and is obtained through questionnaires or surveys. With all this information, you can easily convert prospects into customers.

The 3 key elements of CRO:

 Visitor segmentation:

Not all visitors to a website access it for the same purpose or in the same way. While some are simply looking for information, others may end up on the site by chance, without any intention to buy. Still, others arrive on the pages of a site because they are interested in the services offered and wish to make an immediate purchase.

With this in mind, visitor segmentation is the best way to improve the conversion rate. The company focuses on the visitor groups most likely to perform the desired action and directs its content strategy towards them. The design of the site can also be designed to meet the expectations of these segments.



This element is about the words you should use on a page or CTA button and the visual elements that support them. You can have a noticeable effect on your CRO if you shorten your text and use more descriptive and powerful terms like “discount”, “new”, “best sale”, “be the first”, or “advice”. In short, you need to choose your vocabulary and the emotions you want to convey to visitors with care to generate interest and then buy in. By performing A/B tests, you can see which text and content format performs best for your brand.

→ Do you Want to write an SEO-optimized content strategy?


A company’s website should be easy and enjoyable to use to make UX Design becomes a powerful Conversion rate optimization ally. Design-related CRO practices focus on elements such as color, spacing, alignment, and layout. As with content-related testing, design-related testing doesn’t need to be radical or extensive. Changing the color of a form’s submit button on a landing page can already affect the number of people who click on it, not to mention the language, location, or form. Form design software allows you to adjust these different elements.

The experience a visitor has on a website will give them confidence, reassurance, and the desire to visit new pages, buy, or leave their contact information.

Do you want to create an attractive web design and achieve your business goals?

CRO Benefits:

Conversion rate optimization has many benefits for businesses. It’s all about making your company’s sales process more efficient. If you do CRO marketing correctly, you can ensure that your website content is targeted toward the customers who are most likely to buy your services.

How do CRO and SEO work together to improve your ranking and conversion?

In reality, CRO and SEO are quite complementary. Simply put, SEO allows you to attract visitors to your site, while CRO helps you to convert them into customers by going exactly where you want them to go.

Before your prospects can invest in your services or products, they need to find the sites that interest them. Once the prospects arrive at the relevant sites, you need to do everything you can to keep them. A good SEO position positively impacts a conversion because it attracts more visitors. However, if your site is well positioned on search engines, and does not convert, the results will be limited. This is where Conversion rate optimization comes in! If your CRO and search engine ranking are good, then your conversion rates will be high.

In summary, SEO focuses primarily on traffic acquisition, while CRO helps convert prospects into customers. These two levers are very interesting to use simultaneously.

Best practices for combining CRO and SEO

To ensure that SEO and CRO strategies complement each other, we offer a few recommendations.

Optimize title tags and meta descriptions:

To rank well and convert site traffic, you need to create accurate title tags and meta descriptions that describe exactly what users can expect to find on your pages. If your title tags and meta descriptions accurately describe the content, you will bring more relevant traffic to your site and your engagement rate will increase, while bounce rates will decrease.

Provide content for each step of a customer’s sales journey

The goal of your sales funnel is to take customers on a step-by-step journey from discovering your product to purchasing it. To effectively guide customers through your sales process, it’s important to tailor your content to the stage they’re at.

The first step is to make potential customers aware of your services. Generating backlinks on high authority sites can be a great way to do this.

Your next goal should be to get a customer interested in your product. It’s important to remember that a potential customer has virtually no knowledge of what you do at this point. This is where you can explain to them which of their needs you can meet.

Once the customer’s interest has been piqued and they are convinced that your product meets their needs, it’s time to differentiate yourself from the competition. Things like case studies, testimonials, and reviews can help highlight the value of your company. There is a good chance that users who stay in this phase will make a purchase.

Finally, some customers need one last push. You can send them an email to offer a demonstration of your product. Many companies also offer free trials of their services. The content of this step should put the customer at ease, and convince them that they will be happy to have done business with you.

A/B Testing

You can use A/B testing to test the effectiveness of elements such as web page design and copywriting. A/B testing involves publishing two versions of the same piece of content to test a variable. You make one version available to half of your website visitors and the other version available to the rest of the users. You’ll see which version is more effective at generating conversions at the end of a predetermined period.

Are you ready to make your site a conversion machine? With the tips above, you have all the keys to successfully integrating CRO into your SEO strategy. If you need more information, please contact us.

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