Tracking & Analytics Maximize Your Decisions

Measure every interaction on your website to understand your visitors and evaluate your digital strategies. Analyze your data, understand your users, and make better business decisions with our expertise in analytics.
Data Analysis
Google Tag Manager

The Benefits

Understanding Your Audience
Clearly identify your target audience’s characteristics, needs and online behaviour so that you can better meet their expectations.
Enhance the User Experience
Optimize every aspect of your website to provide a seamless and engaging experience to your visitors, thereby promoting their loyalty and conversion.
Increase Your Conversion Rate
Implement targeted strategies to optimize conversion processes at each stage of the user journey.
Monitor the Effectiveness of Your Campaigns
Track the performance of your online advertising campaigns to optimise your marketing investments.
Analyze your Profitability and ROI
Evaluate the profitability of your ads by analyzing the costs and revenues generated, allowing you to focus on the most effective actions.
Our approach
Fine-Tune Your Tracking for a More Effective Digital Strategy.
We precisely identify the data to collect based on user interactions in order to optimize their experience.
Tracking Plan
We design the tracking plan aligned with your business objectives. We integrate tools such as Google Tag Manager (GTM) to ensure precise and comprehensive data collection.
Compliance with GDPR and Cookies

We configure the Analytics tools and ensure GDPR and Swiss data protection compliance. We implement the consent mode (cookies, zero & 1st party data).

Implement Tracking
Implement your tracking plan and conduct thorough testing to ensure its proper functioning.
Real-time Dashboard
We simplify tracking all your digital actions with a real-time performance dashboard that consolidates all your KPIs. This dashboard allows you to easily visualize and analyze your crucial data, and it’s also easily shareable with your team or management.

Our Tools

Our Expertise

A dedicated team of experts

We analyse your data precisely to target your audience at the right time and on the right platforms. We help you optimise every aspect of your digital presence to maximise your return on investment. With Eminence, your tracking agency, you will benefit from the latest knowledge thanks to our ongoing commitment to training and platform certifications. As a holistic digital marketing partner, we integrate web tracking and analytics into a comprehensive approach. We see tracking and analytics as essential elements of a complete digital strategy.
What Is Web Tracking ?
It consists of analysing users’ interactions with a website, such as the time spent on each page and the actions taken. By fully understanding the needs of your audience, you can offer them a website tailored to their needs and implement a effective marketing strategy.
What Impact Does GDPR Have on Data Collection ?
This regulation aims to protect individuals’ privacy by imposing strict rules on how companies can collect, store, and use personal data. Eminence ensures compliant data collection, we provide our clients with security and compliance.

Why is it Important to Analyze your Traffic ?

This enables companies to target their audience more effectively, identify the strengths and weaknesses of their site, and make strategic decisions. The goal is to improve the user experience, maximize conversions, and optimize their online presence.

Define your goals precisely and choose the right tracking tools. Analyze your data to optimize your digital strategy and maximize your ROI with our expertise.

Goal setting and KPIs
projects & case studies
Our success stories
Our Swiss data agency stands out for its innovative approach to collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data marketing, which is essential for a successful strategy.

Selection of tracking tools

Our aim is to help you choose the tracking tools best suited to your needs. Whether it’s Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or Piwik, we’ll help you select the ideal analytics platform to collect and analyse your data effectively.

Tracking implementation

Our expert technical team will take care of implementing the tracking tags on your website. This is a crucial stage in the process, as it ensures that the data collected is accurate and complete, so that it can be used in your analysis and optimisation.

Data collection and analysis

Once the tracking is in place, we can then collect and analyse your data. These insights will be used to understand your users’ behaviour, identify trends and opportunities, and make informed strategic decisions.

Strategic optimization

The insights we gain from analysing the data will enable us to make continuous improvements to your website and digital strategy. The aim is to maximise the effectiveness of your online presence and help you achieve your business objectives.

Privacy and compliance

As an agency that complies with Swiss and European data protection regulations, we will ensure that all our monitoring and analysis activities comply with the GDPR and confidentiality standards. Your trust and the protection of your users’ privacy are our top priorities.