Generation Alpha : what tools to reach children and teenagers of the future

Generation Alpha : what tools to reach children and teenagers of the future

  •   18 November 2022

Have you ever heard of generation Alpha? By 2025, gen Alpha will represent more than 2 billion children worldwide. It is announced as the largest generation in history, in terms of the number of individuals, but also in terms of the level of education according to UNESCO. By 2030, they will represent 34% of the […]

Tackling cybercrime in business through cybersecurity and data protection

Tackling cybercrime in business through cybersecurity and data protection

  •   20 October 2022

At a time when online sales account for 19% of retail sales worldwide and hybrid work is a given, the safety of users and companies has become paramount. Every year, there are 978 million people affected by a cyber-attack around the world, with damages estimated at $6 trillion in 2021 and expected to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025! (Source: […]

highlights of the digital news in September 2022

The highlights of the digital news in September 2022

  •   6 October 2022

Being present on social networks is now a must for any digital strategy… but it has to be relevant, regular, and up-to-date. The big groups behind these social networks regularly make changes and improvements to their platforms, which requires digital professionals to constantly keep up with the latest updates. Lately, the news has been rich […]

Google Ads Insight Innovation: Campaign Diagnostic Information

Google Ads Insight Innovation: Campaign Diagnostic Information

  •   29 September 2022

Google keeps making life easier for its customers, and the newly announced enhancement will help them diagnose which issues may be affecting campaign performance on the ‘Insights’ page. With these diagnostic checks, you’ll be able to determine which elements are blocking your campaigns from displaying, which ones are causing low engagement, generating low conversions, etc.

What are the benefits of email automation?

Everything You Need To Know About Email Automation

  •   8 September 2022

In recent years, the term “automation” has become part of the digital world. Whether it’s welcoming a new customer to a mailing list, recommending similar products to a customer shopping on an e-commerce site, or reminding them not to forget to validate a forgotten final cart, automation is a great way to eliminate repetitive tasks.
