The Covid-19 crisis: a booster for digital transformation

The Covid-19 crisis: a booster for digital transformation

  •   25 November 2020

The current circumstances, caused by the spread of Coronavirus, have accelerated the adoption of digital for many companies and the appearance of new digital habits. This is why we recommend you reorient your strategic approach to transform your business activities to meet the new digital expectations of your customers. How can you do that? Eminence […]

Structured data: a gain in traffic or a loss in click through rate?

Structured data: a gain in traffic or a loss in click through rate?

  •   12 August 2020

In this new article, our experts discuss the topic of structured data and its role in increasing your traffic and contributing to a semantically enriched web.

Summer holidays: should we stop communicating?

Summer holidays: should we stop communicating?

  •   15 July 2020

Summer is often considered to be the least important time of the year for companies. But your community and your customers want to stay in touch with you and hear from you. Consumers have more time to browse the internet, follow promotions and news from their favorite brands.

How to manage your e-commerce during the summer holidays?

How to manage your e-commerce during the summer holidays?

  •   8 July 2020

Summer is a calmer period and therefore a more difficult for many e-merchants. It is natural to see a decrease in sales in the online shopping sector as consumers travel and take advantage of the good weather. Sales increase in late August or early September when customers return to their daily habits and work.

Attract more people to your restaurant with Facebook!

Attract more people to your restaurant with Facebook!

  •   1 July 2020

Today, our smartphones are always at our fingertips. According to the recent Facebook IQ study, at least 2 out of 5 customers say they rely on online reviews to help them through their restaurant selections.
