rolex case study

Rolex Case Study

  •   10 May 2016

Table of Contents Traditionally luxury brands are reluctant to implement a digital strategy. With their reputation, luxury brands did not immediately feel the need to move to digital. However, Rolex, always on time, was able to understand the important issue of implementing a digital strategy in its marketing plan. Rolex has adapted its strategy by making the […]

future travelers will be your future clients

Future travellers will be your Future Clients

  •   13 October 2015

“lead” is a key element in market activity and marketing of a travel agency especially through its website. The “digital lead” represents a contact quality (someone who is  interested in your offer), which was established between your travel agency and the Internet. Like any business, you wish that this contact leads to an act of purchase. […]

Financial institutions should use social media

Why Financial Institutions Should Use Social Media

  •   12 August 2014

The use of social networks in the financial sector has many advantages. Before you start posting, twittering and sharing we give you some recommendations. Follow the guide!

Strategic marketing tips for real estate brokers

  •   3 July 2014

Strategic marketing tips for real estate brokers This article aims to familiarize real estate agents with the online behavior of potential customers in their search for property. Eminence recommends: Catch your clients where they are looking for you – on the internet. 

marketing digital et le secteur immobilier

Are you Ready for a Revolution in the Real Estate Business?

  •   30 June 2014

Digital marketing is the key to an increase in sales in the real estate business. Are you still using expensive newspaper ads and other traditional marketing strategies? It’s time to change. This month, EMINENCE presents digital marketing for real estate agencies in a nutshell.
